Join Our Community

The Global Systems Institute will be thought-leading in understanding global changes, solving global challenges, and helping create a flourishing future world together, through transformative research, education, impact and engagement. We invite researchers at all career levels within the University who share this vision to join the GSI community.

Please fill in the form below to join or click here to read more about the joining the GSI.

Researcher Registration
Research Role *
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Which of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals do you align with? Please select the top 3 from the box(es) below: *
Your University Profile URL

Joining the GSI

We envisage the community will involve individuals and research groups from all Colleges and campuses of the University. The GSI Community will not be defined by who is located within a single building now or in the future but rather by those who want to work together to deliver the GSI vision. The Institute is early in its development and it will in-part be shaped by those within its community. We are currently in the process of constitutionalising the GSI and will engage the community in this activity. At present we can offer you the following: 

  • An opportunity to participate in shaping an exciting new Institute within the University focused on developing transformative solutions to global challenges.
  • A creative, transdisciplinary research environment with opportunities to interact with researchers from other disciplines, and with external organisations and citizens who are implementing or looking for sustainability solutions.
  • Support for developing, translating and promoting your research and impact including advice and support from the GSI Research Impact Fellow and/or supporting Professional Service staff aligned to the Institute.
  • Support for developing engaged research and co-production including advice and support from the GSI Engaged Research Fellow.
  • Assistance in finding research partners within and beyond the University.
  • Participation in Institute-led events and support for hosting events you may wish to propose.
  • Opportunity to participate in developing international academic partnerships.
  • Promotion of your research trhough the Institute’s communications channels ranging from digital formats to policy briefings, white papers and articles for a broader audience.
  • Regular updates on GSI activities including opportunities for funding and partnership.

What we ask from you: 

  • Passion and commitment to developing transformative solutions to global challenges.
  • A commitment to uphold the GSI values.
  • To be an active member within the GSI community participating and contributing to building the GSI community and helping to create a vibrant and innovative transdisciplinary research environment.
  • Co-production of research and education by engaging with researchers from other disciplines and/or citizens and organisations beyond the University.
  • Commitment to minimise the carbon footprint and broader environmental impact of the GSI community.

If you would like to join please complete the online form above. This information is required to promote your presence on the GSI website. We will also display the research expertise of the GSI community on our website in relation to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. If you have any questions please email